The selling process begins with you...

how to sell to 2nd markets

The selling process begins when you contact us with a description of the valuables you wish to sell. Based on your description, we assess whether we are the appropriate buyer for you. Once we have determined our interest and have appraised your goods, we will make a free, no-obligation offer to purchase. In some cases, we may ask you to ship the items to us for an in-person review, at our expense, and at your option. Either way, the offer is free of charge, and obligates you in no way. Once you have accepted our offer, most sellers make delivery by shipping to us —free of charge—using our Fedex account. For large collections we may travel to you (depending on distance).

If shipping your goods is not something you wish to do, you can bring them to us or request an in-home visit with one of our buyers. Note: we are constantly traveling to buy collections — inquire about our travel schedule.

In brief, the selling process works like this:

1) Do your due diligence (check up on us)
2) Describe your goods (tell us— in detail— what you have)
3) Accept our offer
4) Make delivery
5) Receive payment

Due diligence

Before you sell to any buyer, you should learn who they are. Your first step before offering your valuables to us is checking our business references and reviews.

Read reviews from hundreds of sellers who have sold to us in the past.

seller reviews

Describing your goods

Our goal is to pay as much as we can while still leaving room for a fair profit. That said, it is your job to give an accurate and detailed description of your property. If you give a vague or incomplete description, we won't be able to make the highest offer possible. We always assume the worst case scenario when we receive a vague description. In brief, you can put as much work into describing your property as you want, but the more detail you provide, the better informed our offer will be. You can simply say "Got a few things for sale" or "we have 155 widgets" or you can say "155 widgets consisting of a mix of wadgets, widgets, and wongets, all pre-1980"...or you can provide a detailed, line by line listing of all 155 widgets. You get the idea. The more you can tell us the better. Remember, we have NO IDEA what you have. You may not have the energy or the expertise to do much more than give an exact count. That's OK. But understand, the more you can tell us about what you have the more light we have with which to make an informed, sight-unseen offer.

In making your initial inventory list, follow the WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY and HOW MANY method:
1. WHAT — (What is it you wish to sell?)
2. WHEN —(When was it produced or manufactured?)
3. WHERE —(Where is it currently located?)
4. WHY —(Why are you selling?)
5. HOW MANY —(HOW MANY items do you have for sale? NOTE: Dont' tell us "there are quite a few" or "there is a HUGE number" ... BE SPECIFIC)

Next step—contact us for a free quote

Once you have your unique description of goods for sale, it is time to contact us.

If you prefer, or want to send photos, you can skip the form and send an email. Our email is

You can also FAX it to us if you prefer. Our FAX number is 423-815-1426.

Add us to your email contact or address book

All initial communication is via email. We do not call you. So that our emails are not blocked by your provider, please add LEADS@2NDMARKETS.COM to your address book or contacts list.

We reply

We receive thousands of new leads every week. We try to reply to every new lead but due to the large number received, we prioritize. The best, most interesting, most complete descriptions receive top priority. We reserve the right to make no response. If you do not hear from us within 48 hours of initial contact, please send an email to and ask about the status of your inquiry.